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Thursday, 4 April 2019


Hi, its Deborah 

I have finished and sent of a 28 page report to a client on the impact of taking their child out of the country without informing the other parent, made much more complicated by the fact that one parents is from one of the Arabic countries. It is an overview of the law and I have tried to assist by providing as much information as possible. It has given me eye ache and a headache and the client informs me that it has almost boggled her brain, but at least they now what they are up against and action they need to take affordablelawforyou #freelegaladvice #bespokelegaladvice #legaladvicefordivorcematters #legaladviceforlandlordandtenantmatters #legaladviceforemploymentmatters #mackenziefriend #helpingyoutopreparetoattendatcourt

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