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Thursday, 9 August 2018

Observations on a case we went to Court on yesterday

Hi, its Deborah and Euzi,

We have been dealing with an incredibly difficult case, our client has been so distressed with the legal proceedings and their feeling of unfairness at the actions of their opponents made them very, very, very intransigent . We had a major hearing yesterday, and if it could not be resolved the ongoing action and fees would have amounted in costs alone to £20,000 not to mention the stress of further delays and being cross examined, they would not have fared well. The thought came to my mind of Jarndyce v Jarndyce in Dickins' Bleak House, but somehow and I can only think it was the power of positive thinking and after hours of negotiation 6 to be exact my client finally saw sense and signed an agreement, that will protect their position in the future. I have just realised that I feel 100% lighter, you can't help it some clients and their situation really get to you.

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