Hi, its Deborah and Euzi
We are dealing with a benefit frauds matter, someone has been accused of benefits fraud (disability allowance/pips claim) and we reviewing the matter to see if we can assist with an appeal.
The below is information which we think could be helpful and relevant to those of you who are:-
1. Going through the process of making a PiPs claim,
2. Going through the process of being reviewed.
The information attached to this post deals specifically with the assessment process, the information is clear and concise and if you are in this situation reading it will assist you to understand the assessment process and your rights within that process.
a. You can have a companion with you at any PiP assessment.
b, You can record the meeting, you need to inform the HP that you are doing this.
c. Your companion can take detailed notes of the meeting.
d. You are entitled to see a copy of the Assessment.
Please share this post with anyone who you think it will help.
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