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Tuesday, 26 June 2018


Summer is here and so are the inflatables! Parents, watch out!  A 10 year old boy was seriously injured when he tripped and fell at an inflatable game attraction for children at Kirkstall Abbey, Yorkshire, in 2014.
The game structure was divided into pods to separate changes in level, but the light inside was dim. The child tripped on a ridge between the pods, smashing a toy gun against his teeth and causing a serious injury.
A damages claim was filed on his behalf and, in an initial hearing, the Judge in charge found in the boy’s favour. Leeds City Council appealed the decision but on the 4 June 2018 at the High Court, Mr Justice Turner upheld the decision.
The Judge said the interior of the game was so dark that it would take children a minute or so before their eyes became accustomed to the gloom, and that the council had issued no warning about the ‘tripping points’ or made them more visible by attaching fluorescent strips. Despite a health and safety script was read to children before using the game, it contained no information about the tripping points.
The amount of the claimant’s damages payment has yet to be assessed.
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