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Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Vexatious Litigant in Person in Matrimonial proceedings

I am assisting a client with the financial arrangements of a very unpleasant divorce at the moment, truly vitriolic, My client's ex husband has behaved very threateningly and having just read this recent case I will be assisting my client to bring her ex husband's behaviour to the attention of the Judge supported by this decision which has been made by the Higher Court. I can only hope that the Judge will be realistic and proceed to finalise the financial arrangements before my client and her children lose their home.

Just to give you a taster here is a small section of the Judge's comments:-

"the conduct of the husband. It has been truly abysmal. Since the claim was commenced in September 2012 there have been over 30 hearings including four appeals mounted by the husband. This deluge has been caused by the husband's extreme litigation misconduct. In parallel proceedings concerning a bogus loan asserted by his sister he made threats to kill against the wife and her counsel for which he was committed to prison for contempt. In these ancillary relief proceedings he has been removed from the courtroom on at a least one occasion by security staff. He has been repeatedly warned by judges about his unpleasant menacing conduct in court. On one occasion he assaulted the wife's counsel and the wife in court for which he was later convicted of assault in the magistrates' court. He skipped his sentencing hearing and fled abroad from where he has bombarded the court with abusive emails claiming that he has a fatal illness and demanding that the proceedings be adjourned indefinitely. In the course of the proceedings he has entered into a number of transactions designed to defeat the wife's claims...."

For the full report go to

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